Head Lice Treatment | (800) 294-6816 | Clearlice Head Lice Treatment Video

2015-03-19 21

http://ClearLice.com (800) 294-6816
Head lice treatment: Clearlice head lice treatment and head lice solution video
Clearlice natural head lice treatment is a complete system that removes head lice on your scalp, and in your home environment. It is safe, natural, all natural, chemical and pesticide free and non-toxic.

This video shows real head lice being treated with Clearlice, and also shows a young child using it.

Clearlice head lice treatment does not smother lice. It works by breaking down the shell of the lice and nit, leaving it exposed to Clearlice's natural ingredients. Lice cannot survive for more than a few seconds once exposed to Clearlice.